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Teton Sun Set
Sun Setting behind Tetons

Sunrise and Sunset Sites

We all know that when we’re traveling around it is often challenging to know exactly when the sun will rise and fall at a given location and date.  On top of this, it is sure handy to know the sun’s location (heading) and altitude (angle).  Here are a couple resources for you to look at:

Time and Date AS is a private company based in Norway that maintains websites in English, German, and Norwegian that first began operation in 1997.  In addition, they also make several apps.  This site is perhaps the largest website providing this type of information providing the user graphical tools for identifying sun status related information.

Screen Shot of's website depicting sun position.
Screen Shot of’s website depicting sun position. is produced by Vladimir Agafonkin out of the Ukraine.  It provides a lot less data than other sources, but provides a great graphical display of the sun relative to your location.

SunCalc Screen Shot
SunCalc Screen Shot

NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory

NOAA’s Solar Calculator provides the basic information that most photographers will want.  It is a little tricky to set the location with the map interface, but the nice part is that you can directly enter a lat/ long.

Screen Shot of NOAA Solar Calculator.
Screen Shot of NOAA Solar Calculator.

About Patrick

Patrick has been photographing in and around national parks for fun over the past decade. He now resides in Bozeman, MT and enjoys capturing the greater yellowstone.